about me

My grandmother would dress me up everyday for elementary school and I vividly remember always wearing the most bizarre, yet cute outfits. I looked forward to every morning to see what she would pick out for the day. Perhaps thats where my love for fashion truly began, however I didn't fully commit to fashion until I graduated high school. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with my life, so I went to Des Moines Area Community College where I took a couple of random classes just for fun until I came across a fashion illustration class. Within that class we were able to go to New York for a field study, which of course why not go?
I spent that week in the heart of the fashion industry, it was surreal. I truly felt as though my heart finally belonged somewhere. On the very last night of our trip, I took a ferry ride out by the Statue of Liberty in the evening and looked back at the city. Endless opportunities and endless dreams. That's when I realized and made the decision to join the fashion journey.
I now am a Junior at Iowa State University studying Apparel, Merchandise, and Design with an emphasis in Creative Technical Design. My passions have flourished immensely and I cannot see myself doing anything else in life. The late night sewing lab nights to the concepts coming to me at random times in the day, I love fashion and my journey starts here. But this is just the beginning.
Get In Touch
Tel: 515.339.2993
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ana-orescanin-7723a7200/